Nie rozumiem, co nieencyklopedycznego może być w danych bibliograficznych. Publikuję zatem zestawienie dzieł śląskojęzycznych nadesłane przez Tomasza Kamusellę wraz z jego listem przewodnim:
List of Silesian-language Books in Standard Orthography
Tomasz Kamusella
University of St Andrews
On August 10, 2009 standard orthography for writing in the Silesian language was adopted in Cieszyn, Poland, at a meeting of the Standardization Committee of the Silesian Language. This orthographic standard is used, alongside another, in the Silesian Wikipedia. Thus far, the majority of Silesian-language books in his standard orthography were brought out by Andrzej Roczniok’s Silesian National Publishing House (Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno) in Zabrze.
NB 1: On 2 September 2016, the Wikipedia user Volunteer Marek removed the article from the Wikipedia. He linked the removed article’s prompt to an article devoted to the Silesian National Publishing House, thus wronglysuggestion that this publisher brought out all the Silesian-language books in standard orthography.
NB 2: In light of the above event, I propose that the list be published and regularly completed by other organizations and people interested in Silesian-language publications.
*Óndra Lysohorsky (sic) (Erwin Goj). 2009. ''Spiwajuco piaść'' [The Singing Fist]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540954, 127 A5-size pages. NB: The first-ever Silesian-language book published in standard orthography. In this new edition of Łysohorsky’s 1934 debut collection, each poem is given in the poet’s original Lachian spelling and in Silesian standard orthography.
*''Gōrnoślōnski ślabikŏrz'' [The Upper Silesian Primer]. 2010. Chorzów: Pro Loquela Silesiana. ISBN 9788362349005, 100 A4-size pages.
*Grynicz, Barbara and Roczniok, Andrzej. 2010. ''Ślabikorz ABC'' [The Silesian Primer ABC]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540015, 60 A4-size pages.
*Roczniok, Andrzej. 2011. ''Zbornik polsko-ślōnski III R-Z podug normy ISO 639-3 szl / Słownik polsko-śląski III R-Z według normy ISO 639-3 szl'' [The Polish Silesian Dictionary, Volume III, R-Z, Covering the Silesian Language as Recognized in Line with the ISO Standard 639-3 szl]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540596, 276 A5-size pages. NB: The third volume of his dictionary employs standard Silesian orthography. The two earlier volumes await recasting their spelling in accordance with the standard.
*[[Anna Stronczek|Stronczek, Anna]]. 2010. ''Bojki ślōnskie'' [Silesian Fairy Tales]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540961, 94 A5-size pages. NB: The first-ever fully Silesian-language book in standard orthography. With a Silesian-Polish glossary.
*Syniawa, Mirosław. 2010. ''Ślabikŏrz niy dlŏ bajtli, abo lekcyje ślōnskij gŏdki'' [The Silesian Primer for Adults: The Silesian Language in Lessons]. Chorzów: Pro Loquela Silesiana. ISBN 9788362349012, 106 B5-size pages. NB: The book is mostly in Polish language, as this language is employed for explaining the grammar and usages of the Silesian language.
*Makula, Marian. 2011. ''Głos się zrywo, dusza śpiywo'' [The Voice Breaks, the Soul Sings]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540060, 57 A5-size pages. NB: A cabaret play, parts in Polish, too.
*Makula, Marian. 2011. Kabareciosz ślonski. Wybrane felietōny i wiersze Mariana Makuli [The Silesian Cabaret Writer and Actor: Selected [Feuilletons and Poems of Marian Makula]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540671, 120 A5-size pages. NB: Parts in Polish, too.
*Ptaszyński, Stanisław. 2011. ''Ôszkubek – utopek spod Rudy. Godki starzika z Rybnika. Ino do majoryntnych'' [Ôszkubek, a Water Spirit from Ruda River: Stories of a Grandpa from Rybnik, Only for Grown-Ups. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540121, 141 A5-size pages.
*Stronczek, Anna. 2011. ''Sodōma i Gōmora na Ślōnsku. Gawyndy śmiyszne a ucieszne'' [Sodom and Gomorrah in Silesia: Funny Anecdotes and Stories]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540060, 138 A5-size pages.
*Stronczek, Anna. 2011. ''Za gōrami za lasami'' [Far, Far Away]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540145, 102 A5-size pages. NB: A collection of stories and legends.
*Gorczek, Ana. 2012. ''Kej niy urok to utropa'' [One Trouble Welcomes Another]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540190, 174 A5-size pages.
*Roczniok, Andrzej, ed. 2012. ''Sziler na szpas, niy ino'' [Schiller’s and Other Poets’ Most Loved Poems]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540183, 105 A5-size pages. NB: Translations of Friedrich Schiller’s ballads and poems of other authors into Silesian. The originals of these poems in German, Polish and Russian accompany the Silesian translations.
* Steuer, Feliks. 2012. ''Steuer na dwa knify szrajbunka'' [Steuer’s Writings Given in Two Parallel Spellings]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540237, 77 A5-size pages. NB: The volume contains Steuer’s one collection of Silesian-language poems and another of short short stories, both published as brochures in 1935. In the volume all the poems and stories are given in the author’s specific Silesian alphabet and in Silesian standard orthography.
* Ajschylos [that is, Aeschylus]. 2013. ''Prōmytyjos przibity'' [Prometheus Bound] (translated from the Greek by Zbigniew Kadłubek) (Ser: Canon Silesiae, Bibliŏtyka Tumaczyń [Canon of Silesian Literature, Library of Translations]). [[Kotórz Mały]]: Silesia Progress. ISBN 9788393619023, 74 A5-size pages. NB: The first-ever translation of the Ancient Greek text into Silesian.
*Ireneusz, Czaja. 2013. ''Biblijo -- poczōntek'' [The Bible: The Beginning]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540299, 104 A5-size pages. NB: Parallel texts in standard orthography and in the so-called 'internet spelling' of Silesian that used to be most popular on the web until 2008. The book is appended with the section (in Polish) on how to write in standard Silesian
* ''Dante i inksi. Poezyjŏ w tumaczyniach Mirosława Syniawy'' [Dante and Others: Poetry in Mirosław Syniawa's Translations] (Ser: Canon Silesiae, Bibliŏtyka Tumaczyń [Canon of Silesian Literature, Library of Translations]).2014. Kotórz Mały: Silesia Progress and Stowarzyszenie Osób Narodowości Śląskiej. ISBN 978-83-936190-5-4, 172 A5-size pages. NB: Silesian translations of numerous well-known poems from many European languages.
* Melon, Marcin. 2014. ''Kōmisorz Hanusik'' [Police Detective Hanusik] (Ser: Seria z Zicherkōm [Series with the Safety Pin]). Kotōrz Mały: Silesia Progress. ISBN 978-83-936190-3-0, 222 A5-size pages. NB: The first-ever humoristic detective novel in Silesian, composed from interconnected stories.
* Gatys, Rōman. 2015. ''Krzest Ślōnska 863 r.'' [The Baptism of Silesia in 863]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788360540428, 40 A6-size pages.
* Kallus, Bogdan. 2015. ''Słownik gōrnoślōnskij gŏdki. Słownik górnośląsko-polski oraz polsko-górnośląski'' [The Dictionary of the Upper Silesian Language: Polish-Upper Silesian and Upper Silesian-Polish]. Chorzów: Pro Loquele Silesian, Towarzystwo Kultywowania i Promowania Mowy Śląskiej. ISBN 9788360367766. 440 B5-size pages.
* Melon, Marcin. 2015. ''Kōmisorz Hanusik. We tajnyj sużbie ślōnskij nacyje'' [Police Detective Hanusik: In the Secret Service of the Silesian Nation](Ser: Seria z Zicherkōm [Series with the Safety Pin]). Kotōrz Mały: Silesia Progress. ISBN 9788393619078, 147 A5-size pages.
* Ojgyn z Pniokōw [Kosmala, Eugeniusz]. 2015. ''Ojgynowe gawyndy'' [Eugene’s Tales] (Vol 1). Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788365300003, 162 A5-size pages.
* Szewczyk, Marcin. 2015. ''Silesia Noir. Czorny kryminał ô czornym Ślōnsku [Silesia Noir: A Detective Novel About Black Silesia]''(Ser: Seria z Zicherkōm [Series with the Safety Pin]). Kotōrz Mały: Silesia Progress. ISBN 9788394264321, 237 A5-size pages.
* Burns, Robert. 2016. Spōmnijcie se Tamowã Klaczkã. Wiersze i śpiywki Roberta Burnsa [Remember Tam O'Shanter's Mare: Poems and Songs by Robert Burns] (translated into Silesian by Mirosław Syniawa; and with the originals in Scots) (Ser: Canon Silesiae, Bibliŏtyka Tumaczyń [Canon of Silesian Literature, Library of Translations]).2016. Kotórz Mały: Silesia Progress and Stowarzyszenie Osób Narodowości Śląskiej. ISBN 9788365558008, 160 B5-size pages.
* Kafka, Franz. 2016. ''Ślōnski Kafka'' [Kafka in Silesian: Kafka's Aphorisms Translated into Silesian]. NB: An art book and exhibition catalog in one, lavishly illustrated with artworks with the German original and the Silesian translation of a single aphorism at a single page with the illustration facing it. Translator: Jerzy Ciurlok. 246 A4-size pages.
* Melon, Marcin. 2015. ''Kōmisorz Hanusik i Sznupok. Pō naszymu i po polsku!'' [Police Detective Hanusik and Sznupok: In Silesian and in Polish](Ser: Seria z Zicherkōm [Series with the Safety Pin]). Kotōrz Mały: Silesia Progress. ISBN 9788394264376, 266 A5-size pages.
* Neblik, Stanisław (also known as Fojerman). 2016. ''Do rymu po naszymu abo ślōnski misz-masz'' [Rhyming in Our Language, or a Silesian Mix]. Kotōrz Mały: Silesia Progress. ISBN 9788394264369, 180 B5-size pages.
* Ojgyn z Pniokōw [Kosmala, Eugeniusz]. 2016. ''Ojgynowe gawyndy'' [Eugene’s Tales] (Vol 2, ze audio na szkarcie Micro SD [With Recordings on the Attached Micro SD Card]). Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788365300058, 180 A5-size pages.
*Roczniok, Andrzyj, ed. 2016. Sztandard ślōnskij godki (kanōna pozbiyroł Roczniok Andrzyj) [How to Write Silesian in the Standard Manner (The Principles of Correct Writing Were Collected by Roczniok Andrzyj). Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788365300034, 134 A5-size pages.
*Stronczek, Anna. 2016. ''Ślōnskie scynariusze'' [Short Plays in the Silesian Language]. Zabrze: Ślōnsko Nacyjno Ôficyno. ISBN 9788365300041, 76 A5-size pages. NB: Partly in Polish.